Erratic erotic curiosity


Art, design, lingerie, erotica, mystery... In any random order they can make anyone curious... And isn't curiosity a little bit, or maybe a lot like erotism, in the biggest sense of the word?

Sometimes things are just cloaked in so much mystery, your curiosity and frenzy to find out more gets your bloodpressure to rise, you feel butterflies in your tummy, you just really want to scratch that itch! Looking for the answer, searching for that satisfying release of that uncontrollable desire, that yearning, with a moan, an Aaaah, or an Ooooh...looking for the climax. But the climax is delayed and you build up all this lust inside you, waiting for everything to burst.

Oh, it would be so satisfying and gratifying to possess this one book, you won't find an image of online... It feels so steeped in scrumptious mystery & erotic history at this point... And you soooo want it! That would or could be the ultimate climax...

It's maybe a bit like wearing a veil, mask or blindfold in the boudoir. You kinda know what erotic indulgence is coming your way, but you can't see it...yet! This sultry, anticipating curiosity is already very arousing, exhilarating and gets your juices flowing.

The book is called "French Popular Lithographic Imagery, 1815-70: Pinups and Erotica v. 11." And searching further online, you will just find that it contains these, wonderfully historical, erotic images. The book's author is Beatrice Farwell who collected more than 300 lithographs, showing women as erotic objects. These "sujets gracieux" decorated the walls of brothels and were sold to bachelors back in the day 1815-1870. So, numerous erotic, powerful fantasies are depicted in this book and honestly, they were absolutely no prudes back then!

Is erratic curiosity, erotic?


Images: Pinterest & google images but no image that could or would be in the book though